What We Believe

We believe that there is only one God. He created everything that is and keeps it all in sync. He wanted a relationship with beings that would choose to worship Him, so He created man. He is one, but we experience Him as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Bible
Throughout history God has revealed Himself to man. This is recorded in the Bible. Although the authors were human, the words they wrote are the Word of God. We rely on the Bible for guidance, wisdom and inspiration.

We were given the ability to choose and we chose to rebel against God and do our own thing. That behavior is called sin. It means “missing the mark.” Like a wobbly arrow, we missed the bullseye of the target, God’s best for us. Our behavior removed us from relationship with God. His holy nature is incompatible with sin. 

We were helpless to change our own situation. God spent time showing us that our sins need to be paid for with the death of a sacrifice. At just the right time, He sent Jesus, who lived a perfect life, demonstrated how to live and then died as the perfect sacrifice for our sin. But He didn’t stay dead! The same power that resurrected Jesus is available to those who give control of their lives to Him. We can live in victory!

The Church
The Church, literally the “called out ones,” are those people who have obeyed God’s call to leave their former way of living and follow Him. They live in community with other followers and live strategically to bring more people into relationship with Jesus.